Tales of the Bearded Toad

Short stories and the occasional true tidbit devised in the life and times of the Bearded Toad

Friday, January 05, 2007

Life in Transition

I’m sure, if you check in regularly, or if you look at the dates of posts, you have noticed that I have been absent from my own blog for a while. The reason for this, I’ve kept fairly secret, because there were some friends who check in who are also coworkers. We decided to move and pursue new jobs, a wrinkle which could have caused problems should it become known to my now former employer.

In November, my wife quit working for a company that was, shall we say, less than ethical. Her action became the catalyst for us looking at moving halfway across the state. I actually moved her and our three rambunctious furry companions the day after Thanksgiving and leased out our house. I then, with the fortune that I have--not monetary--was able to stay with a friend until Christmas, traveling back and forth on the weekends. Being apart from her for five day stretches was a bit trying at times, but, given the examples of some of my acquaintances who left there families behind for years in order to complete college programs and emigrate to the U.S., I don’t think it was too rough.

So, we are now settled into our new town, taking in the eccentricities that abound, and enjoying every moment of it.

To all of my friends with whom I was unable to share a proper goodbye, I’m sorry. I hope that you understand my predicament. I greatly respect everyone with whom I worked and hope that the time I spent with you will be remembered fondly.

Soon, you will begin seeing new fiction, the way it used to be. Until then, enjoy the writings of those linked to the side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon, I'm sure we can all understand and appreciate the reasons you have not been around. Our lives are so much more important than the shallow and self-centre existance that is the blogosphere! I truly hope everything works out for the best for you all. I seriously have missed your fiction but I would rather someone finds personal happiness first than just seek to feed my need for enteratinment! Stay in touch my blogger friend!

5:19 AM  
Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said...

Hi Brandon,
I was just going to ask you about your new fiction.
How do you like your new town?
It was great that you managed to settle everything before the new year.
I hope your publishing dreams see fruit this year, Brandon.
Now then, for your fiction. :-)

9:02 AM  
Blogger The Wandering Author said...

Brandon, I'm just glad everything's OK. If you needed to stop posting for a while, you needed to, that's all.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Good luck with your new life!

9:11 AM  

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