Tales of the Bearded Toad

Short stories and the occasional true tidbit devised in the life and times of the Bearded Toad

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

White Wall

The turmoil in his head seemed akin to the sea during a hurricane, with thoughts swelling quickly only to subside and become eclipsed by another. He couldn’t seem to latch onto any of them as they rolled through his consciousness, so he just quit trying. He began to enjoy these short glimpses of his past. Jumping on the trampoline as an awkward little kid, he imagined being swallowed by the black round mat, only to land on the couch in his friend’s basement where he first felt the warm suppleness of a teenage breast. Her hair had smelled of vanilla as it gently tickled his neck, and her mouth had tasted of peppermint. This wonderfully juvenile erotic sensation gave way to a thought that one would wince upon having if they were only conscious and aware of it. He imagined himself alone, not just sitting alone but completely devoid of companionship. For him, the thought rolled by without much consideration. The following tumultuous remembrance was of his father, of the last time he saw him. He held him hard by the shoulders and peered into him, not at him. His father’s eyes were narrow and accented by lines that fanned from the corners like petals on a flower. That was the only appearance of softness he could remember. He felt his father grip him tighter, and with bourbon breath he said, “The world is cruel, son. Be cruel back.”

The words of his patriarch drew him from his mind and into reality. His stark cell was devoid of character. It housed only him, his toilet and his bed. The small glass window in the door gave him a view of nothing, only a white painted cinder block wall. He was alone in a captive world full of harsh cruelty, a world created to shelter those who couldn’t understand or tolerate it, and all he could see was nothing.


Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said...

Beautifully written and sad. Tight and well-edited plot. I could have read this page from a published novel.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As good as anything I have read by you thus far. This could spin off into another thousand new stories...which, personally, I always believe is the mark of a very strong and powerful short story.

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, strong and powerful story, Brandon. Well written and with an intriguing voice.

8:39 AM  
Blogger oregonman said...

trying to escape, sometimes the mind is all we have,a funny flexible thing, popping off like it does,yet memories seem to implant, some grow, some need DDT.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon, I've read a few of your posts now and I have to say you know how to catch a reader's imagination.


5:05 AM  

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